Diamond Blade for Surfaces-Floor / Road Saws Range: SIMAPremium
Materials: Green Concrete-Asphalt. Diameter: 12"/300mm.
Diamond Blade for Surfaces-Floor / Road Saws Range: SIMAPremium
Materials: Green Concrete-Asphalt. Diameter: 12"/300mm.
Diamond Blade for Surfaces-Floor / Road Saws Range: SIMAPremium
Materials: Green Concrete-Asphalt. Diameter: 14"/350mm.
Diamond Blade for Surfaces-Floor / Road Saws Range: SIMAPremium
Materials: Green Concrete-Asphalt. Diameter: 24"/ 600mm.
Diamond Blade for Surfaces-Floor / Road Saws Range: SIMAPremium
Materials: Hard Concrete. Diameter: 20"/500mm.
Diamond Blade for Surfaces-Floor / Road Saws Range: SIMAPremium
Materials: Hard Concrete. Diameter: 18"/450mm.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: General Building Materials, Concrete. Diameter: 300 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: General Building Materials, Concrete. Diameter: 350 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: General Building Materials, Concrete. Diameter: 400 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: General Building Materials, Concrete. Diameter: 450 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: General Building Materials, Concrete. Diameter: 450 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: General Building Materials, Concrete. Diameter: 500 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: General Building Materials, Concrete. Diameter: 600 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: General Building Materials, Concrete. Diameter: 700 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Dry-Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 300 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Dry-Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 350 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Dry-Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 400 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Dry-Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt, Concrete. Diameter: 350 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Dry-Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt, Concrete. Diameter: 400 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Dry-Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt, Concrete. Diameter: 450 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Dry-Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 300 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Dry-Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 350 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Dry-Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 400 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Dry-Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 450 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 350 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 400 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 450 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 500 mm Laser welded segment.
Diamond Blade for Wet Cutting Range: SIMA Diamant
Materials: Green Concrete, Asphalt. Diameter: 600 mm Laser welded segment.
Are you looking for high-quality diamond blades for your road or floor saw? Look no further than SIMA, the leading manufacturer of floor saw blades and road saw blades in the construction industry. We have over 20 years of experience in producing and improving our products to meet the market demands. Whether you need a road saw diamond blade or an electric floor saw blade, we have two quality levels for you to choose from.
Like any other diamond masonry blade, our floor saw diamond blades have a steel core of high precision with a metal powder mix (such as cobalt, iron, tungsten, or zinc), a segment of diamond, and a resin bond that binds everything. The diamonds’ hardness and size differ based on the blade type. This implies that each diamond blade has a different concentration based on the material it will cut. A special thermal process makes the product very durable.
Our technicians are experts in the diamond blade market and they take into account every factor before suggesting a suitable diamond blade for your specific needs.
A general principle is: for soft or abrasive materials, use a diamond blade with less diamond segments and more hard metal powder. For hard materials, use a diamond blade with more diamond particles and less hard metal bond. But each situation is unique, so we recommend you consult our service team to assess your needs based on your project and guarantee the best outcome.
Keep in mind that even two pieces of the same material can vary in their compositions. It can depend on factors like where they come from, which can influence the performance and abrasiveness of a diamond blade.
How do you choose the best diamond blade for your floor or road saw? It’s simple: just consider the material you want to cut, the saw you will use, and the blade diameter. With this information, our staff will assist you to find the best choice for you.
If you are going to use an electric floor saw or a road saw, you can now choose between the diamond blade series Plus, if you shop online, you can enjoy our free shipping and return to the UK.
For an extra precise professional job, we recommend checking out the SIMA PREMIUM floor sawing blades. They guarantee clean construction material cutting thanks to their high-performance segment. And they are a smart investment because they will last longer.
Looking for professional diamond saw blades and machine blades for your electric floor saw or road saw? Visit our website and find the right one for your project.
SIMA offers you free shipping and returns to /from the UK within 30 days if you are not happy with your purchase. Buy road saw blades directly from the manufacturer and get the best value for money from the use of the blades without hidden costs that reduce your profits.
Thanks to our constant investment in R+D+i, we can proudly say that we are one of the leading companies in Europe in the manufacture of diamond cutting blades for roads and pavements, especially in the United Kingdom. Don’t miss any of the opportunities and discounts we have for you.
Also, if you need, you will be able to contact our technical team in case you have any questions. We will be happy to help you in any way we can. Buy now online any of our road saw blades and floor saw blades for wet cutting and get more precise and professional results.